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Ministry of Industry and Commerce ZimbabweMinistry of Industry and Commerce ZimbabweMinistry of Industry and Commerce Zimbabwe
(Monday - Friday)
Cnr Simon V. Muzenda and LivingStone Avenue, Harare
Ministry of Industry and Commerce ZimbabweMinistry of Industry and Commerce ZimbabweMinistry of Industry and Commerce Zimbabwe

Import/ Export Licence

Import/ Export Licence

Applying for an Import/Export Licence

Zimbabwean citizens can now apply for Import and Export Licences online.

How to Apply for an Import/Export Licence

  1. In order to be able to access the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Import/Export online applications,

you must first register on the ZimConnect Portal. Use the direct link https://zimeservices.pfms.gov.zw

  1. On the page that opens, choose Login if you are already registered on the ZimConnect platform. If not, choose Click here to register and follow the instructions. This registration is for individuals only. There is no need for you to register your company on this platform because company information is retrieved from the Companies Registry database through the use of the company number that is on the Certificate of Incorporation. You will enter the company number when having accessed the Import/Export licence online application, as shall be explained below. After registering, click Login.
  2. Once logged in, locate the Ministry of Industry and Commerce section, and expand the Enterprise Development menu. Choose Apply for Import Licence or Export Licence.
  3. After reading the requirements on the page that opens, scroll down and select whether it is a company application or an individual application. If it is a company application, you will need to enter the company number as shown on the certificate of incorporation. Click NEXT and proceed through the following pages, providing the requested information. Click SAVE APPLICATION after having filled in the application form and the next page is where you shall attach the required documents. The application number will be shown after submission and shall also be sent to the logged in user’s email address.
  4. Give at most 3 working days to receive feedback on the processing of the application.

Payment of Import/Export Licence fee

Should your application for an Import/Export Licence be approved, proceed to filling in the Import Licence Issuance/Export Licence Issuance form. Only APPROVED applications can provide access to

this form.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Import Licence Issuance
  2. Enter the application number for your APPROVED initial import/export application. The system

will validate if the application number entered is for an approved application

  1. Once accessed, fill in the required fields on the import/export licence issuance form.
  2. You have an option to pay your application fee online. If you wish to pay online, click on MAKE

PAYMENT VIA PAYNOW. Make the necessary payment on PAYNOW using any of the various

payment options available and, once paid, a confirmation message will be sent to you.

  1. If you do not wish to make an online payment, please proceed to office 47, 14th floor, Mukwati

Building and make the payment there. After paying, scan the receipt, and when filling in the

issuance form, select the option “I have proof of payment ready to be attached” from the drop-down that asks if you have made a payment for the application. You shall attach the receipt after

clicking SAVE APPLICATION on the next page.

  1. IMPORTANT: Do not click SAVE APPLICATION unless you are sure you have the receipt ready to be attached or you have sufficient balance in the account you wish to use to make the online payment (e.g. Ecocash). The reference number used to access the Issuance Form is for ONE-TIME SUBMISSION ONLY. Also, ensure all values entered on the issuance form are correct.
  2. Import/Export Licences will not be issued until the application fee is paid.
  3. A confirmation message of the successful printing of the permit will be sent to the applicant and the applicant may collect the permit in Room 36, 14th floor, Mukwati Building.
  4. Licence Office Support: Phone – (0242) 703010, 702731-7, 707540 Password reset (CCS – Zimconnect): (0242) 702955-8


1 Enterprise Development stating the following: –

  • Brief company profile indicating the line of business
  • Product description
  • Tariff code
  • Quantity (tonnes, litres, metres, kilograms, etc.)
  • Purchase price per unit
  • Selling price per unit
  • Total consignment
  • Country of Origin/ Destination
  • Justification for importing/exporting (Why importing not sourcing locally)
  1. Attach copies of the following documents: –
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • C14 showing company directors
  • Tax clearance certificate
  • Copy of Standard Development Fund levy receipt (No. 1 Adylin Road Marlborough, Harare – Tel 04-309 800/20, 309 833)
  • Proforma invoice (For Imports)
  • Copy of last used licence/ ZIMRA marked off import licence

NB: Applications should be separate for different products [Import Licence Fee: USD$100 & Export Licence Fee: USD$50,  equivalent to the prevailing interbank rate of the day and to be paid upon approval of the application]

Regulatory authority: S.I 122 OF 2017, S.I 237A OF 2018, S.I 60 OF 2020, S.I 90 OF 2020

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